path: root/tasks/radius_mysql_pam/howtos
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2 files changed, 74 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tasks/radius_mysql_pam/howtos/en/index.html b/tasks/radius_mysql_pam/howtos/en/index.html
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+<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
+<body><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">
+<strong><h1>Radius mysql:</h1></strong>
+<p><strong><h2>Quick how to:</h2></strong><br>
+ Setup the OpenRadius server and add users. Use MySql as the database.</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li>Create two virtual machines - SimpleArbiter (use the simpleArbiterDhcp.vdi disk) and RadiusServer. Discs for virtual machines are located on</li>
+ <li>Create another two virtual machines using the disks VPNCLient.vdi and SimpleArbiterVPN.vdi.</li>
+ <li>Setup both VMs so that they use two network adapters - NAT and Internal network.</li>
+ <li>Login with the username <strong>student</strong> and password <strong>student</strong> on both VMs.</li>
+ </ol>
+<h3><u><strong><em>Part one: Setup OpenRadius.</em></strong></u></h3>
+ <ol>
+ <li>Install OpenRadius on the RadiusServer VM (configuration files are: /etc/openradius/configuration and /etc/openradius/behaviour)</li>
+ <li>Add a user and assign him a shared secret. This should be configured in the /etc/openradius/configuration file. (More info: <a href = ""> </a>)</li>
+ <li>Create a connection from SimpleArbiter to RadiusServer using the secret you configured.</strong></li>
+ </ol>
+<u><strong><em><h3>Part two: Install and setup a MySQL database on RadiusServer</h3></em></strong></u>
+ <ol>
+ <li>OpenRadius can use the module RadSQL to store users in database.</li>
+ <li>Setup a MySQL server: sudo apt-get install mysql-server.</li>
+ <li>Connect to the MySQL server: mysql -u root -p.</li>
+ <li>Create a database: CREATE DATABASE <database-name>. Create a table <strong>users</strong> with columns <strong>username</strong> and <strong>password</strong>.</li>
+ </ol>
diff --git a/tasks/radius_mysql_pam/howtos/si/index.html b/tasks/radius_mysql_pam/howtos/si/index.html
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+<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
+<body><font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif">
+<strong><h1>Radius mysql:</h1></strong>
+<p><strong><h2>Naloga na hitro:</h2></strong><br>
+ Postaviti je treba RADIUS strežnik in podatkovno bazo.<br>
+ Za RADIUS strežnik uporabite FreeRADIUS, za podatkovno bazo pa MySQL.
+ 1. Ustvarite dva navidezna računalnika z imenom SimpleArbiter in RadiusServer.<br>
+ Za SimpleArbiter uporabite simpleArbiterDhcp, za RadiusServer pa lahko uporabite poljubno virtualko.<br>
+ ( virtualke dobiš na<br>
+ 2. Z VirtualBoxom (ali ostalim programom za virtualne računalnike) ustvarite dva virtualna računalnika in jim kot disk za shranjevanje podajte simpleArbiterDhcp.vdi ter base-student-console-2014.vdi.<br>
+ 3. Na obeh nastavite dva omrežna vmesnika (NAT in Internal) in jih zaženite.<br>
+ 4. Na oba VM-a se prijavite z uporabnikom <strong>student</strong> in geslom <strong>vaje</strong> .</p>
+<p><h3><u><strong><em>Prvi del naloge: Postavi OpenRadius.</em></strong></u></h3>
+ 1. Namesti FreeRadius na virtualki RadiusServer z ukazom "sudo apt-get install freeradius".<br>
+ ( pomembni sta dve konfiguracijski datoteki /etc/openradius/configuration in /etc/openradius/behaviour<br>
+ 2. Dodaj uporabnika in mu dodaj skupno skrivnost v /etc/openradius/configuration datoteko (več o dodajanju lahko izveš na: "" <br>
+ 3. Nato se z to skrivnostjo povežete iz SimpleArbiter na RadiusServer</strong><br>
+ Namestimo freeradius z ukazom apt-get install freeradius-mysql
+ V datoteku /etc/freeradius/client.conf spremenimo skrivnost (secret)
+ Nato pa v datoteki /etc/freeradius/users dodamo uporabnika
+<u><strong><em><h3>Drugi del naloge: Namestitev in vzpostavitev baze MySQL na RadiusServer </h3></em></strong></u>
+ 1. Pri OpenRadius-u imamo modul RadSQL, s katerim lahko vzpostavimo hranjenje uporabnikov v bazi<br>
+ 2. Namestimo MySQL server z ukazom "sudo apt-get install mysql-server"<br/>
+ 3. VNato se prijavimo v Mysql server z ukazom mysql -u root -p <br/>
+ 4. Bazo ustvarimo z ukazom primer:
+ GRANT ALL ON kwhbRgJY.* To MajaNovak80@localhost IDENTIFIED BY "y06gmo2Z";